Organization Management and Control Model
Banner Model of Organization Management and Control
Organization, Management and Control Model
Organization, Management and Control Model - Legislative Decree 231/2001
Content Organization Management And Control Model
The Supervisory Body of the Port of Livorno 2000 S.r.l., is composed of an external member, Avv. Alessia Cozzi who will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements of 31/12/2021.
On 2 May 2019 the shareholders' meeting appointed the new Board of Directors which is composed as follows:
- Matteo Savelli (with the title of president)
- Beniamino Carnival
- Franco Ronzi
- Pierluigi Giuntoli
- Maria Gloria Giani.
The Supervisory Body of the Port of Livorno 2000 S.r.l. has, among its functions, the task of:
a) monitor compliance with the provisions of the Organization, Management and Control Model, in relation to the various types of offenses contemplated by Legislative Decree 231/2001 and subsequent laws that have extended the scope of application;
b) monitor the effectiveness of the aforementioned Model in relation to the corporate structure and the effective ability to prevent the commission of crimes;
c) monitor the advisability of updating the Model, where there is a need to adapt it, in relation to the changed corporate conditions;
d) ensure compliance with the company's Code of Ethics.
The Supervisory Body reports directly to the Board of Directors and interacts with the Board of Statutory Auditors.
The activities of the Supervisory Body cannot be syndicated by any other company body or structure or function, without prejudice to the right and duty of the Board of Directors to supervise the activity of the Supervisory Body itself.
The Supervisory Body has the right of free access to all corporate structures and functions, none excluded and without the need for any prior consent or notice, in order to obtain any information or data deemed necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for by Legislative Decree 231 / 2001.
The Supervisory Body, in the exercise of its activity, may make use, under its direct supervision and responsibility, of the assistance of all the structures or functions of the company or of the external consultants it deems necessary.
All those who become aware of information relating to the commission of crimes or facts and / or behaviors that do not comply with the rules of conduct adopted by the company, can make spontaneous reports to the Supervisory Body preferably using the following e-mail address:
To ensure maximum confidentiality, these reports can also be made anonymously. Reporters in good faith are guaranteed against any form of retaliation, discrimination or penalization and in any case the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower will be ensured, without prejudice to legal obligations and the protection of the rights of the company or of the persons accused erroneously or in bad faith.
Organizational, Management and Control Model and Code of Ethics of the Port of Livorno 2000 S.r.l. ("Model 231")
On 2 July 2014 the Board of Directors of Porto di Livorno 2000 S.r.l. approved the updating of the Organization, Management and Control Model on the basis of the legislative changes introduced in the meantime and of the risk analysis in relation to the structure and operations of the company.
On the basis of the aforementioned activity, the Code of Ethics was also updated which provides for the rules of conduct of company representatives, employees, collaborators and consultants of the company.
Attached Organization and Management Model and Control - Legislative Decree 231/2001
PORTO DI LIVORNO 2000 s.r.l.
Terminal Crociere
Piazzale dei Marmi, 12 - 57123 Livorno (LI)
Tel. 0586.202901
Fax 0586.892209